Friday, September 12, 2008

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Guest Actress in a Comedy Series

Going out of order with my predictions because the guest categories are awarded this Saturday. Nominees are pictured in alphabetical order.

This category could go any way. Kathryn Joosten seems unlikely because her comedic material on “Desperate Housewives” was practically nonexistent this year, but she’s won before in this category, so she could stand a shot. Polly Bergen will probably go the route of past “Desperate Housewives” mothers Dixie Carter, Shirley Knight, and Lupe Ontiveros and lose the award due to the recurring nature of her role. Sarah Silverman seems too unaccomplished to win this award, but her top 10 placement for Best Comedy Actress shows that someone clearly likes her, and she was good on “Monk.” Carrie Fisher was funny on “30 Rock,” but I doubt that the former Princess Leia will be taken too seriously for her self-parodying guest spot. Leave it to the other two “30 Rock” guest stars - Elaine Stritch, last year’s winner who has another great episode this year, and past “Sopranos” Emmy champ Edie Falco, who, despite a deadpan role, should manage to win an accolade for playing to her comedic side.

Who should win: Elaine Stritch
Who will win: Edie Falco

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