Friday, September 12, 2008

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Guest Actor in a Comedy Series

Going out of order with my predictions because the guest categories are awarded this Saturday. Nominees are pictured in alphabetical order.

This is a really tough category to predict especially since only one actor is actually deserving of any accolades at all. I’d count out Shelley Berman, whose nomination for “Curb Your Enthusiasm” came out of left field and was in no way merited this season. That leaves four “30 Rock” guest stars. Tim Conway is a past Emmy favorite, but his role is one-note and I imagine he got nominated based solely on name recognition. Steve Buscemi wasn’t on “30 Rock” for more than a few minutes, but voters may be itching to reward him after he was passed over for his work on the fifth season of “The Sopranos” in favor of costar Michael Imperioli. Rip Torn has an amusing role, but doesn’t really flesh it out as well as he could. His work over the years could garner him the award. I think the winner will be the deserving champ among this bunch - Will Arnett, whose Devon Banks is a hilarious adversary for Alec Baldwin’s Jack Donaghy.

Who should win: Will Arnett
Who will win: Will Arnett (alternate: Rip Torn)

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