Saturday, September 13, 2008

What I'm Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 2, Episode 8 "Double Booked" (B)

This is one of those fun episodes that's thoroughly enjoyable throughout but its whole plot setup gets more than a bit confused by episode's end. Michael's very amusing in his mannerisms and the way he approaches the woman he's supposed to kill, and this installment drives home the central characteristic of Michael: he's tirelessly sarcastic, but ultimately isn't a bad guy. He doesn't want an innocent person to get offed just because her boyfriend hires three guys to kill her. I am hopeful that next week's season finale brings us at least one scene with Tricia Helfer's Carla, and that Michael starts really piecing everything together. I am proud to have gotten into this show this season after dismissing it swiftly last year, but I think it's good that it's ending now since it really does feel a whole lot like a summer show.

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