Saturday, September 13, 2008

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

Nominees are pictured in alphabetical order.

This is probably the toughest category to predict. I think any of these six men could win here, with the exception of Gabriel Byrne, whose role on “In Treatment” is neither popular nor showy enough. Bryan Cranston could pull off the same kind of victory as Michael Chiklis did six years ago for “The Shield” but, as I’ve said before, it took me a few episodes to really admire his performance and his submission of the pilot is sort of more about the show than him. Michael C. Hall faces the obstacle of portraying a serial killer, and not a terribly sympathetic one at that (in the episode he chose – “There’s Something About Harry”), but “Dexter” did manage to get nominated for Best Drama Series, and I’d rejoice if he somehow managed to win. Hugh Laurie has somehow never won an Emmy, and I think his episode submission (“House’s Head”) may finally get him there. I was even impressed, and I often find him too over-the-top. The unfortunate possibility of James Spader winning another Emmy, this time for yelling at the Supreme Court, seems all too likely. I’d like to go out on a limb and predict that voters will go for the subdued, respectable type with Jon Hamm of “Mad Men”, who nails his episode submission with a heartbreaking sales pitch. Once again, this could go any way.

Who should win (based on entire season): Michael C. Hall
Who should win (based on individual episodes): Jon Hamm
Who will win: Jon Hamm (alternate: Hugh Laurie)


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have never watched Boston Legal, and you certainly didn't watch the episode that was submitted on James Spader's behalf. Am I wrong on both counts? How do I know? He may get angry and upset but he never yells during his argument to the Supreme Court Judges.

    You can watch a 10 minute clip of James Spader as Alan Shore arguing before the Supreme Court here:
    It is on the left side, a little further down.

    I'm rooting for James Spader!

  2. I don't watch Boston Legal on a regular basis, no, but I did watch all the episodes submitted for the show for Best Drama Series, which include The Court Supreme. By yelling I don't mean that he actually raises his voice, but rather strictly admonishes the Supreme Court for their behavior with strong language (not of the swearing kind). I understand why it could be impressive; I'm just not wowed by it.
