Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pilot Review: Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb (FOX)
Premiered September 10 at 9:30pm

There is nothing redeeming about this show. I didn't laugh once. Its setup in a hotel doesn't even once actually show a guest or even a room. It's poorly planned and even more poorly executed. The writing is dreadful and the plots are uninteresting. The cast is one-note and over-the-top at the same time. I'm especially amused by the fact that Jerry O'Connell has simply transplanted his character from last season's "Carpoolers" without really changing a thing. I wish I had more to say about this show, but it's not worth wasting any more time on. "Back to You" was better than this.

How will it work as a series? Well, maybe if they showed the hotel once or twice it might be okay. Otherwise, they're headed for a void of nothingness in just a few short half-hour installments. There's only so many sex jokes you can make in half an hour.
How long will it last? FOX is a bit kinder to its shows than some of the other networks (save CW), but I don't think this one stands much of a chance. Remember "Free Ride" or "Happy Hour"? Yeah, you won't remember this one either.

Pilot grade: F-

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