Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Shield

The Shield: Season 7, Episode 2 "Snitch" (B+)

All of this stuff with Shane and his continuing bad judgment makes me very nervous. I'd be happy to see it resolved soon, but I know that's the drama which is going to drive forward this final season. Cassidy's confession to Billings is pretty surprising, but it looks like Billings isn't prepared to do anything about it. Vic is going to need to figure out what to do about that. I'm enjoying the spotlight on supporting characters this episode, fleshing out the relationship between Tina and Danny as well as some impressive speeches reminiscent of long ago from both Dutch and Claudette. I feel like this season is going to include a lot of tosses and turns which will culminate in some terrific final episodes a la "Six Feet Under," but for now it's business as usual in terms of the quality of the show and that's more than fine by me.

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