Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: Entourage

Entourage: Season 5, Episode 3 "The All Out Fall Out" (B+)

Vince's storyline here is somewhat predictable, but as I mentioned in weeks past, I've gotten used to that. He'll be unenthusiastic about his latest less-than-stellar job offer, eventually get on board with some revised version of it, and then have things messed up by a never-happy Drama, with no ultimate consequences whatsoever same for an amusing finish for the episode. Former fans have, I think, grown tired of that, but I'm okay with it just as far as the cast stays fresh and the stories are mildly enjoyable. What I do love about this episode is the still somewhat circular but nonetheless awesome plotline for Ari. Adam Davies has always been somewhat of a sneaky, pathetic nemesis for Ari. At the beginning of the episode, it seems like Adam has the upper hand. I was wonderfully impressed with Ari's ultimate comeback, where he completely embarrasses Adam by forcing him to apologize in front of his entire staff under the threat of physical pain. Ari is awesome, and so is Jeremy Piven. Piven just picked up his third consecutive Emmy award Sunday night - could this episode make for another winning submission for a year from now? I think it very well could.

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