Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 1, Episode 3 "Mine" (B-)

This show is in danger of heading in a very bizarre direction towards a world with extremely undesirable characters who are depraved and difficult to watch for an uncomfortable hour. I'm speaking specifically to Bill's vampire friends, and I do understand that vampires are supposed to be unlikeable, especially on this show, but they're far too creepy and detestable in my mind. I like the relationship between Bill and Sookie because it's far more original and pure than any of the others. Jason's affairs are always interesting, especially the way in which he interacts with his various lovers. There's definitely someone out to get him who keeps following him and killing off his most recent conquests. The newfound "friends with benefits" exchange between Sam and Tara is very intriguing, and their characters becoming far more interesting than they should be could be a saving grace for this potentially troubled show.

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