Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Office (Season Premiere)

The Office: Season 5, Episode 1 "Weight Loss" (B+)

Alas, the return of one of my favorite shows! After a tragically short and often underwhelming fourth season, the fifth season should be a great return to quality though I have very little idea of where it's going (which is not a bad thing). I'm enjoying seeing the less-used characters like Kelly and Creed take some of the spotlight, especially when they're interacting. Stanley too with his own personal drive to lose weight. The return of Ryan is perfect, especially with the multiple goatees that keep appearing and disappearing. I'm glad they found a way to keep him in the show. Angela and Dwight's romance is amusing to watch, though I really do feel bad for Andy. My favorite part of the episode, of course, is Jim's proposal to Pam. After it seemed like they might be growing apart because of the art school thing, now they're officially engaged. It was a truly surprising moment and I really enjoyed it. If only Michael could take a hint and go out with Holly. They really do interact so hilariously (the beat-boxing), and watching him tear up those tickets was painful.

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