Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I'm Watching: Ugly Betty (Season Premiere)

Ugly Betty: Season 3, Episode 1 "The Manhattan Project" (B-)

This summer I watched a few episodes of "Ugly Betty" to prep for the Emmys and realized that I really liked all the supporting characters (Michael Urie, Becki Newton, Ashley Jensen, Ana Ortiz, and Judith Light especially). I opted to go back to the beginning and give this show another chance. This marks my first live episode, and I've yet to decide exactly how I feel about this show. It's by no means a great show that I truly love, but it's a fine guilty pleasure that's far better than a guilty pleasure should really be. I'm saddened by the absence of both Henry and Geo, especially since neighborly musician is no replacement for either one of them. I'm hoping to see more of Amanda in coming episodes since she really is my favorite character. Betty's move to the city is a nice step for her, though of course she would run into a horrible obstacle just trying to find a place. Lindsey Lohan's guest appearance was actually decent, although I'm surprised if that's the last we'll see of her. It seems like a small role to bring her in on, even if the point of it was that fight in the fast food place. In any case, I'll be adding this show to my weekly television lineup.

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