Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I'm Watching: Smallville

Smallville: Season 8, Episode 2 "Plastique" (B-)

There are a lot of things I actually like about this episode. All the "Daily Planet" politics aside, I like Clark's quick turn to reporter, and his bantering with Lois is turning into something more like teamwork. The show is drowning in Superman references, like the phone booth, but it's not altogether devastating. That was one of the things that made it great to begin with in season one. Tess Mercer is a decent character, though I would have liked to see her get along with Clark just like Lex once did. I really like the new character played by BSG's Sam Witwer, and his relationship with Chloe should be interesting to watch, though he's clearly got some issues to resolve. I'm not really feeling Lex and Lana's absence, which I guess is a great thing. This show could actually be headed for redemption!

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