Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I'm Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 5, Episode 7 "What More Do I Need?" (C-)

We've gone from repetitive to just plain uninteresting. Jackson paints - wow! His moment of actual connection with Susan and that "look she's seen in the mirror" is almost moving, but the rest is just garbage. Porter's more-than-dalliance with Mrs. Schilling is sure to end in her being written out of the show, but the main problem is that they're trying to make him into a major character when we (or at least I) just don't care enough about him to be so actively interested in his life. Isn't there another twin? Porter has been the center of attention now with the Facebook clone incident and now this - where did the other one go? I wish Frances Conroy's character hadn't gone south so immediately and sabotaged Carlos right off, but that would have required her to have been introduced a little more smoothly and probably earlier, before Carlos aroused her. Bree and Orson's impromptu sex scene seems rather out of character for both of them, and of course it's merely a facade to reveal that Katharine is sleeping with Mike, which is a decent development for the show. I, for one, am thrilled that Dave's doctor knows his location now and that he's presumably on his way to come confront Dave and seriously expose whatever devastating secret he's hiding.

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