Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I'm Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 1, Episode 10 "I Don't Wanna Know" (B+)

Things are certainly intensifying. I suppose that Amy murdering Eddie was inevitable, but I would have liked to have that character around for a while. Though Tara is ready to rip her head off, Miss Jeanette does have a great point about Tara's mom being believing she's been cured and changing her ways. I like the idea of Sam as Sookie's protector, and I think eventually she'll fully come around to his shapeshifting ways. The flashbacks to Sam were a nice, unexpected touch, since usually only Sookie gets that kind of treatment. Bill's trial was rather intense, and I was delighted to see Zeljko Ivanek, now a big name after his "Damages" Emmy win, as the presiding judge. I was surprised that his guest turn hadn't been touted since big news was made over his upcoming appearance on "Heroes" this January. He plays great kind-of-evil, and this time was no surprise. The punishment for Bill was perfectly appropriate, something that he hated to do and really makes him regret what he did. Hopefully he'll return home next episode, since I'm dying to find out who the killer is. We almost found out with Sookie's mind-reading flashbacks, and I'd like to see more. I couldn't hope to guess who it was since we seem to be following everyone so closely, and I'm pretty sure it's a major character. My only guess would be Amy, which doesn't make sense because she's not a regular cast member.

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