Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miniseries: Meteor (Part 1)

After the unbearable, preposterous boredom that was “Impact” a few weeks ago on ABC, “Meteor” is a fun return to the world of impending space-related disasters which is just as ridiculous, if not more, but infinitely more fun. Casting Christopher Lloyd as the crack scientist is the first step in the right direction. Marla Sokoloff has the appropriate amount of obnoxious feistiness to get things done. Their racing to get the information to the right people is quite entertaining, augmented by the completely random death of Lloyd’s crucial doctor character as he is stumbling in the middle of the street and struck by a randomly passing car. Jason Alexander playing the other scientist is also quite amusing, and his bickering with Lloyd, while he was alive at least, was good fun. My absolute favorite part is the completely irrelevant plot, which features Michael Rooker as Billy Campbell’s ex-partner, determined to take out his revenge on his family in the midst of the impending meteor. Just having such a plotline exist is so completely unnecessary, but it’s what sets this apart from “Impact.” James Cromwell whining about not wanting to leave home doesn’t compare to Rooker going around killing people with his twisted sense of angry humor and delighting in threatening people (again, as the meteor approaches!). Stacy Keach, as Campbell’s father, is also pretty good since this is the role he was meant to play, and far better than his legacy at the end of season one of “Prison Break” when Michael betrayed his trust and left him as the fall guy. At its best moments, “Meteor” is reminiscent of a far more inferior version of “Jericho.” If you’re looking for quality end-of-the-world-prevention television, rent “Jericho” on DVD. Otherwise, tune in next Sunday for part 2 of this marvelous disaster. The ending scene, where a truck struck by a piece of the meteor wanders off course and crashes into Sokoloff’s vehicle, after she finally managed to hitch a ride, is a great point at which to stop. What else can go wrong? Will the world end next week? I highly doubt it, but I’ll be excitedly watching to see what happens, especially with that preposterous ex-cop storyline.

Part 1 Grade: F
Entertainment Value: B+

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