Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What I'm Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 2, Episode 4 “Shake and Fingerpop” (B+)

Sookie and Bill’s adventure finally begins, and I’m completely amazed by the sleek scenery and colors the show is using. The scene of Sookie walking down the steps of the ladder from the airplane towards the limo driver was shot really well, and then of course the classic “True Blood” signature of Bill bursting from the coffin to protect Sookie was simply terrific. Casting Dean Norris as the limo driver was perfect since he’s serious and intimidating, but also capable of playing multidimensional roles (recently on “Breaking Bad,” “Saving Grace,” and “Lost”). Having Bill explain to Jessica how to cast her spell over the limo driver was fascinating, and seeing how she played around with it was an interesting exercise. I enjoyed the casual joking of Bill and Sookie when they were checking into the hotel and talking about needing or not needing beds; their banter is quite entertaining. Meanwhile, Lafayette seems to be becoming friendly with the mysteriously motivated Eric and Jason is preparing himself for a crusade against vampires, or at least against his spiteful roommate. The revelation that Maryann is also the monster makes sense, but I was extraordinarily confused by a TVGuide.com headline declaring “Maryann: She’s Not A Villain.” It seems like she may not be malicious in nature, but she’s certainly not in town to protect anyone. The headline, toted as a major revelation, didn’t make much sense to me. Regardless, the best part of the episode was the completely out-of-nowhere, unexpected ending where we hear Sookie’s thoughts as she hears other people’s, and realize that the porter can also read thoughts. As usual, I can’t wait for next week.

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