Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What I’m Watching: Entourage

Entourage: Season 6, Episode 3 “One Car, Two Car, Red Car, Blue Car” (B)

“Entourage” hasn’t quite found its funk this season. It’s still entertaining, and while this episode tries to get the wheels spinning on several fronts, it doesn’t get too far and, at the same time, altogether ignores other threads. Turtle takes the spotlight for a change, since it’s his birthday, and he also gets some free advice from Ari on how to start his own company, or rather how he needs to get himself together before even considering a business venture. The fact that both Vince and Jamie got him the same gift is pretty funny, but like Ari brings up, why does Turtle suddenly have the urge to pull his life together? Besides turning thirty, nothing’s really occurred in his life to inspire him to pull away from his very comfortable lifestyle and try to go it on his own. Eric also gets a dose of reality, and it seems like he’s doing the right thing walking out on the project after his lead star and client gets ousted. I’m curious whether new girlfriend (or whatever she is) Alexis Dziena will stick around, since he doesn’t seem too interested in her and she’s already managed to outstay her welcome after her first sleepover. Eric’s big moment, however, when he burst into the office and demanded his star not be fired, and called her a racist, was pretty terrific, especially because he really was just doing his best impression of Ari. Vince doesn’t really do anything this episode, and neither does Drama. Will this show become like “Lost,” where several characters are featured in one episode and don’t even appear in the next? Ari didn’t have much to do either, though I did enjoy his cackling at Eric’s big scene and his son’s reaction to his methods.

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