Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer, Season 5, Episode 8 “Elysian Field” (B)

This episode suffers from the common phenomenon of the special guest star. Tom Skerritt, Emmy-winning star of “Picket Fences” back in the early 1990s, shows up as a retired detective who just happens to have a particular interest in the case of the week, and lo and behold, he’s the perpetrator. While it’s obvious from the start that the advertised guest is the one behind the crime, it’s still interesting to see his motives played out, and to have each of the victim’s family members lawyer up and appear to be suspects made for some good suspense throughout. I also like seeing Flynn and Provenza so intricately involved in the case and having them feel personally connected to Skerritt’s character was great. I’m very happy that the show has decided to embrace a recurring storyline, that of the crooked lawyer slash rapist played by Billy Burke. I thought he was terrific last season in his one-shot guest spot, and I’m glad that Brenda’s become obsessed with this one case, which she’ll hopefully revisit too. Burke’s character is the perfect threat, too, though I did enjoy Jason O’Mara’s (relatively) harmless firestarter from last season.

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