Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 5, Episode 8 “A Distinctive Horn” (B)

This episode is a return to the kind of show that “Weeds” was in the first half of its fourth season, when Albert Brooks was hanging around and teaching the clan about Judaism. Nancy’s attempted to completely cut herself off from Esteban and embrace Andy as the symbolic father of her child. They would make a good family unit, in my opinion, but Nancy’s forgetting one very crucial thing – Esteban’s not out of the picture. And until Nancy successfully maneuvers herself out of this situation, the show’s going to be on hold. Esteban has gone from an intriguing, romantic, mysterious character to a quick-to-anger, ruthless mob boss who doesn’t even seem to care about Nancy at all. Finally, Andy has shaven his beard, which is a terrific thing, and the bris in this episode is quite enjoyable. On the other side of things, teaming up Celia and Dean is usually a good idea, though I’m not exactly sold on what’s currently in the works. I did love Dean’s price for his services, and I also enjoyed the quick cut to Doug’s screaming still being heard in a frozen yogurt place. The subtle return of Lupita is a nice touch, and I like that the show’s trying to return to older times. Then again, it seems that the show keeps doing that, simply erasing plotline after plotline from the show’s memory as it loops around and around to Nancy trying to wiggle herself out of the next problem, never looking back to her past debacles for assistance in dealing with her current problems.

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