Saturday, August 8, 2009

What I'm Watching: Burn Notice (Summer Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 2, Episode 9 “Long Way Back” (B+)

It seems way too soon for the summer’s most entertaining show to be shutting down for the season, but luckily this final installment is action-packed and provides a nice transition into a new season with a new mystery, as well as a renewed connection between the main characters. It was obvious that Fiona wouldn’t actually go through with her departure, and this was a great way to keep her around without her staying seeming forced or arbitrary. The reason that Thomas O’Neill (Paul Blackthorne, Stephen Saunders from season 3 of “24”) wanted Fiona dead made a lot of sense, and speaks to Fiona’s character – she’s reckless and spirited, but she’s not about to let a bunch of kids die for any reason. Fiona’s brother was even more of a loose cannon than her, and it was quite interesting that Fiona never told her brother that Michael McBride was just Michael’s cover identity. Strickler turned out to be quite the untrustworthy partner, and Michael’s quick decision to put him down once he realized that he had sold Fiona out was a great moment for Michael and Fiona’s relationship. This episode was full of those, including their joint acknowledgment that they’ve never been good at the whole relationship and goodbye thing, and Michael taking care of Fiona and telling her she doesn’t need to speak after she wakes up on his couch. Michael’s speedy reaction to Fiona putting herself in danger was pretty cool, even if Mrs. Reynolds’ car didn’t survive Michael’s rescue plan. The most touching part of this episode, for me, second to Madeleine’s conversation with Michael about his old boxes, was Sam’s admission that he would never let anything happen to Fiona even if Michael took a bullet – as long as he never told her that. It’s great to see all these characters revealed to care so deeply about each other, and it’s mainly due to the terrific ensemble. Even Diego wanted to reach out to Michael, but unfortunately, it was too late for him, and now Michael’s got bigger problems to worry about. It’s good that he’s not getting his old job back, because that could quickly have become boring. But now we have to wait five months for another episode of this great show? That’s far too long.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jeffrey Donovan

1 comment:

  1. Best episode of the season so far. The whole "caper" aspect of "Burn Notice" can get a tad tiring, so this was a nice change. Nice action sequences, great acting by Donovan and Anwar, and neat twists (Strickler selling out Fiona was ingenious) made this one excellent. It still ranks below the season 2 finale in terms of sheer awesomeness, but not far behind. And I agree, waiting five months for a new episdoe is insane.

    Season Grade: B+
    Season MVP: I love Gabrielle Anwar as Fiona, but Donovan carries this show. It has to be him.
