Friday, August 28, 2009

What I’m Watching: The Closer (Season Finale)

The Closer: Season 5, Episode 12 “Waivers of Extradition” (B+)

Any chance to see Xander Berkeley back on television is well worth an hour by itself. The terrific “24” actor who played George Mason in the first two seasons of the show has been nearly absent from the world of cinema since then with the exception of a small role in “North Country” and what would have become a longer arc on “Jericho” had the show returned for a third season. Seeing him here with a Southern accent and generally laid-back attitude is a lot of fun, and he’s among the best guest cops on the series. As far as the rest of the season finale goes, everything’s in fine form. A vicious serious killer always makes good fodder for a powerful closer (no pun intended), and a high-speed car chase is also a nice treat for this show that’s often more relaxed and not necessarily as action-packed as some other shows. Fortunately, that’s not the case with this hour, and the ultimate resolution of the case and Brenda’s decision to allow him to be extradited is a resounding, hard-hitting realization on Brenda’s part about the inner evil in some people. That acceptance makes for a nice parallel with the Charlie situation, and Brenda’s advice that since she and Fritz gave Charlie a second chance, perhaps her parents deserve one too. Barry Corbin’s guest appearance is always welcome, as a nice bonus. Like many cable finales, this show doesn’t end on a dastardly frustrating cliffhanger but instead on a well-resolved note that can lead into a completely new direction to be begun when the show returns for its winter run.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Kyra Sedgwick

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