Saturday, August 22, 2009

What I’m Watching: Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13: Season 1, Episode 7 “Implosion” (C)

I was struck while watching this episode at just how understaffed this show seems, cast-wise. I remarked in early 2008 that “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” seemed terribly low on stars when it first started its alternating cast scheme and only three detectives were present each week. Now, “Warehouse 13” seems to me to be focused on a far too tight-knit group of characters. “The X-Files” had so many recurring players who popped up on a regular basis, but here there’s only Mrs. Frederic and Agent Dickinson, who I was very surprised to identify as the fifth member of the cast (after Leena). A show that focuses exclusively on such a small number of characters needs to have the storylines to really carry it week-to-week, and this show does not have that. This one seemed like it was going to get really good when Artie was revealed to be a traitor, but obviously that’s not quite true and he just shrugs that off and has Mrs. Frederic bury it for him. It would have been much more interesting if he had been an actual fugitive, and Pete and Myka were pursuing him every week (kind of like “Sanctuary”). I guess that would strip the show of one of its precious few heroic cast members though, and then the two bickering agents wouldn’t have anyone to complain to about each other.

I’m feeling awfully tired of this show, but I really want to stick around to see Michael Hogan (“Battlestar Galactica”) guest star. And just as I decided I might opt out of this show, Syfy declared that it’s in. The series will return for another 13 episodes next summer. I’m not so sure I will.

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