Sunday, September 13, 2009

Creative Arts Emmy Awards Winners

It will come as great news to those unhappy with the lack of creativity among the list of Emmy nominees that a ceremony does exist where winners include the likes of “True Blood” and “Chuck.” That ceremony, unsurprisingly, is the Creative Arts Emmy Awards, which includes the categories traditionally deemed less exciting and therefore presented separately from the primetime awards ceremony. It features background elements of shows that are still crucially important, though those not in the industry hardly recognize the names of sound editors and hairstylists. Nonetheless, their work contributes immensely to the television experience, and their successes merit commendation. “Chuck” took home the award for Best Stunt Coordination for its season premiere. “True Blood” won Best Casting, but lost the Main Title Design honor to “The United States of Tara.” Decide for yourself: watch them both here and here. The most unfortunate and silly win is in the Best Special Visual Effects category, where the two-hour season premiere of “Heroes” somehow eclipsed the series finale of “Battlestar Galactica” (and the pilot of “Fringe” for that matter, which was definitely more visually impressive than “Heroes”). The best overall win comes in the Best Special Class Program field, where “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” deservedly took home the award. The only categories I made predictions for were the guest acting ones, and I scored 3/4. Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series went to Michael J. Fox (“Rescue Me”), Best Guest Actress in a Drama Series was Ellen Burstyn (“Law & Order: SVU”), and Best Guest Actress in a Comedy Series went to the only possible winner in the category: Tina Fey (“Saturday Night Live”). The major surprise of the ceremony was Best Guest Actor in a Comedy Series, which went not to legendary comedians Alan Alda or Steve Martin or established actors Jon Hamm or Beau Bridges, but instead to Justin Timberlake (“Saturday Night Live”). It’s a bit peculiar, and I haven’t seen the episode, so I can’t comment much other than to say that it seems like he may be quite funny.

Head over to the Emmys website for the full list of Creative Arts Emmy Awards winners, and check back each day for the rest of this week for my predictions in the remaining primetime categories. You can watch the Creative Arts ceremony this Friday at 1pm on E! and the primetime Emmy Awards ceremony airs Sunday at 8pm on CBS.

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