Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 11 “If…” (C-)

Having a plane crash episode that conveniently kills off annoying characters is enough of a cop-out that it’s especially regrettable when it doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity. I’m convinced that it’s a terrible mistake to kill off Karl rather than Orson. It would be just like if Victor had been killed off instead of Carlos back when that devastating storm struck – what would the show be like now if that had happened? Unfortunately, this “what if” question begets a pointless episode which no one was clamoring for, allowing all of the characters to meditate on what their lives might have been like if certain events occurred but not progressing the story forward in any real way. This happened with the Beau Bridges episode last season, and it feels a whole lot like treading water and spinning in circles instead of moving forward. Angie’s made a bit of sense because it provided more background into the mysterious crime she had committed, and Mona dying sewed that thread closed nice and completely. Bree’s also made sense, while Lynette’s was depressing and only served to show how much she thinks of herself. Susan in a fat suit just wasn’t necessary, though it was at least a relief to see a last glimpse of Karl before he officially kicked the bucket. Gaby’s fantasy made no sense at all, and seeing her in white hair drinking from a goblet of wine was just dumb. Now the pieces have to be picked up, and Bree will have to suffer through more marriage troubles, while Lynette’s life should be considerably more back to normal. The show was in good shape, but now that everything has been ripped apart, I’m not so sure what’s next.

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