Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I’m Watching: Heroes

Heroes: Season 4, Episodes 13 & 14 “Upon This Rock” & “Let It Bleed” (F)

It’s hard to determine where to begin with this unsalvageable show. I had read that the season (and possibly the series as well) would wrap after thirteen episodes and not return in the spring, making room for the far superior “Chuck” to premiere anew. For some reason, that’s not the case, since someone thinks that these heroes have more stories in them. The ratio of subtitled to non-subtitled dialogue is becoming dangerously high, and soon enough this show won’t be in English at all. Hiro’s comic book rambling was fun for the references (I identified Curt Conners way before Ando did), but otherwise it was deranged, tedious and stupid. Claire talking about how Doyle was unable to control his powers and shut her mouth was especially torturous since every word out of her mouth is positively the most annoying thing on a show full of impossibly annoying elements. Sylar also tried to make his grand speech and get swept away by the dirt stirred up by Samuel, and at least it’s nice to see someone take him down after he’s talking essentially about how great he is. Still, the show has far too many characters currently in play and it’s all just one big mess. It’s awfully fortunate that Noah was asked by Claire not to attend the post-funeral gathering for Nathan because otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to tase a villain, start sympathizing with him, and then let him go. The most regrettable aspect of these two dreadful hours is the show working against itself. Claire brews up a whole speech to Peter about why he shouldn’t be running around saving people, but isn’t that the entire point of a being a hero? Get a grip, heroes, and figure out your lives. Fertilizing soil can’t cut it forever.

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