Sunday, March 21, 2010

Take Three: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 1, Episode 3 "The Deep End of the Pool" (B+)

As this show gets more into all of its plotlines, I'm continually impressed and I'm really starting to like pretty much all of the characters. Even weak link Crosby is shaping up to be pretty entertaining, and he takes his lactose-intolerant son for a joyride in his car and then has a hear-to-heart talk with him about why he didn't tell his girlfriend who he really was. Crosby going to Adam to ask him to watch his son and then getting a sarcastic response was funny as well. It's good to see parents as dedicated as Adam and Kristina when it comes to ensuring that their kids are taken care of, and Adam's heartfelt conversation with his daughter was also a good move considering she certainly feels sidelined by her brother, especially since, as she points out, her parents are making it seem like he's only being given special treatment now for the first time. I don't know if anyone else caught it, but right after they had their interview with the principal (Paula Newsome from "Women's Murder Club"), Kristina told her that she looked a little like Oprah, which I found completely random and hilarious. I enjoyed Sarah's "it's not you, it's me" breakup with Jim which was followed up by all of the baristas huddled together and talking about her when she went back in to ask to use their phone. Fortunately, Jim seems to have a soft spot for her and is willing to give her a second chance. Julia also had a tremendous moment when she strutted down the diving board to teach her daughter to swim, and it was a brilliantly filmed scene which really showcased her in an excellent light. It's a pity that it didn't quite pan out for her, and made her look pretty bad in front of all the other mothers. The parting shot of the entire Braverman family in the pool was a nice closing touch.

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