Sunday, March 21, 2010

What I'm Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 17 "Heart" (B+)

Even though I only posted a review of this show's pilot, I've been keeping up with it since then and haven't missed an episode. I was trying to watch a number of shows that I wasn't planning on reviewing just to get more of a sample than the pilot, but I stick with this one because it's part of the Rapid Recaps & TV Web-bits from Last Week column that I write for I do think the show has gotten better since its start, and I'm certainly enjoying it more, and I thought it was about time I offered my thoughts on it, especially since I now have something positive to say. For the moment, I'll dive right into where we are now. If you've been keeping up, please chime in with your thoughts in the comments!

On to this episode, I enjoyed the blend of the high-pressure, time-sensitive case with the most extensive glimpse into Alicia's personal life and the externalization of her innermost desires. Martha Plimpton is currently pulling double duty as the best in show on this series and HBO's "How to Make It in America." Her appearance as cutthroat lawyer Patti Nyholm was deliciously entertaining, and I particularly enjoyed her frequent uses of her own baby, even getting the judge annoyed, and her purposeful waiting for Alicia in the parking lot to blame her for being late to the proceedings. Seeing Will get all frazzled in trying to win the case was impressive, but that wasn't the best part. That moment between Alicia and Will where they got intimate and almost did something naughty was great, and I'm still shocked that Alicia decided to come back when she was in the parking garage. Will's house call seemed to throw her for a loop, but the best part was that Peter was so gleefully excited to see Will and didn't have the faintest hint of anything going on between them. Eli and Daniel are shaping up to be a fabulously fun duo on this show, and all of their conversations are truly fantastic. The next new episode of this show doesn't air until April, but come back then since this will now be a regularly-covered series on TV with Abe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really regretting not sticking with this show. I thought it was good from the start, but I just didn't feel like keeping up with it on a weekly basis. I may watch on DVD. Glad you're starting to enjoy it.

    Tell me something, has Alica's habit of almost always representing "poor innocent people" been curbed? I'm yearning for a legal show that reflects the reality that plenty of people brought to trial are, in fact, guitly. There hasn't been one since "The Practice".
