Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: 30 Rock

30 Rock: Season 4, Episode 16 “Floyd” (B+)

Even if the plotlines are far too silly, this episode still had plenty of laughs that made it more than worthwhile. It’s been a while since we’ve seen the Robot, and it’s nice to have him team up with Jack once again since their friendship pretty much dissolved after Jack found out that he was sleeping with Liz. They did a great job getting revenge on the pranksters, and though secret society humor is always a bit silly, it worked well here as Jack was constantly forced to do things as a result of the code words he researched. Most of the stuff with Kenneth is too over-the-top for my tastes, but seeing Tracy and Jenna freak out is usually pretty fun. It’s also good not to have them doing anything too distracting while Liz is really the star of the show. The return of Floyd was certainly less satisfying for Liz than it should have been, but his accidental drunken escapade proved to be quite entertaining. I liked Floyd’s attempt at a pick-up line, “one last ride at Six Floyd’s amusement park” and his proclamation that he would never get Liz drunk on salmon, or any fish. Bad things always seem to happen to Liz, but that’s part of what makes her character and this show so enjoyable. Liz also delivered the best line of the episode – “rejection from society is what formed the X-Men.” It’s hard not to love superhero references, especially when made by Liz.

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