Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What I’m Watching: Caprica (Season Finale)

Caprica: Season 1, Episode 9 “End of Line” (B-)

This is the way to end a season. Even if the episode wasn’t completely terrific, the manner in which the closing episode signs off is exactly how a finale should be done. Among the events that have either occurred or been set in motion are a failed assassination attempt, someone who thinks they’ve killed someone else, someone who knows they’ve just nearly been killed, someone who might have committed suicide, and someone else who has made a huge move that will change their life and situation forever. It’s ever clearer now how the Cylons will become disconnected from human society, with Zoe charging headfirst into a police barrier and Tamara telling her father that he needs to let her go before forever dispelling him from New Cap City. Zoe finally saying something and revealing herself was an awesome moment, and it makes sense that the first Cylon kill would be an accident, as a result of unnecessary force. I’m unsure of how Daniel will react now that Zoe has escaped from the lab, but I’ll be very interested to see that when the show returns in the fall. Amanda trying to commit suicide ensures that she’ll be treated differently if she does in fact survive when the show returns, and her presence shouldn’t be nearly as annoying as it has been thus far. Sister Clarice nearly being taken out is another major event that proves the Barnabas is a formidable enemy. The way he says “do you want to be a terrorist? How about some terror?” is intense, and the power struggle is sure to heat up from here. This first half-season (the show returns in the fall for the back ten episodes of its initial 19-episode order) has been uneven at best, but I think this closer suggests that the next set of episodes might be considerably stronger.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Alessandra Torresani

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