Friday, March 26, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad (Season Premiere)

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 1 “No Mas” (B+)

This is one intense show, but that’s hardly a surprise after last year’s extremely dark second season. It’s not bleak without reason, and as a result it’s extremely effective, especially in the midst of the tragedy that took place at the end of last season. The opening was weird to be sure, with the numerous people crawling on the ground headed toward the sketch of Walt. It’s nothing new for this show, and it certainly helps to get into the rather incomparable mood it creates. The twin bald guys are definitely bad news, as confirmed by their murderous behavior at the end of the episode. The execution scene in the desert was very well-filmed, even though it was obvious how it was going to end. One thing is certain: Walt is not getting out of this business easily. He held his ground well during his meeting with Gus, but the fast-food manager slash drug kingpin isn’t going to give up easily. Walt has a spectacular quote that really stuck with me: “I am not a criminal, no offense to any people who are. This is not me.” Jesse also had a good way of putting things into perspective: “you either run from things or you face them, Mr. White.” All of the television coverage about the plane crash worked well to emphasize its impact on the community, and Walt’s seeming calm throughout the whole situation was all the more alarming as a result, especially during his painful speech in the school gym. My favorite part of the episode, of course, was when Skyler was asked if she had a good account of her husband’s finances. The look on her face was priceless. I was stunned that she knew about Walt being a drug dealer. I accidentally read that she would find out in Entertainment Weekly a while ago, but I didn’t realize she’d put it together by herself. Whoa.. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

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