Thursday, March 25, 2010

What I'm Watching: How to Make It in America

How to Make It in America: Season 1, Episode 6 "Good Vintage" (B-)

After last week's episode, I'm much more pleased generally with this show, but I must admit that this week's installment wasn't nearly as entertaining as last week's. Ben and Cam keep lucking out like crazy, which actually works well because it enables them to interact with some fun people and to make great new contacts. Margarita Levieva is a fantastic addition to the show as the flirtatious Julie, and I'm hopeful that she'll return in the future and have a recurring role on the show. It's nice to see Ben finally standing up for himself, even if it does get him fired. It’s a sign that hopefully he’ll be making bolder moves in the future that should definitely help him get ahead. I’ve now come around to the device of the quick flashbacks featuring a smattering of photographs, especially how it worked out for showing Darren’s many makeout sessions, including one of him kissing a dog. Forcibly asking Rachel to move in with him after that night doesn’t strike me as the smartest move, and I can’t see this relationship playing out for much longer. Rene’s attempts to seek out revenge were entertaining, and my favorite part was his pre-confession to the priest, who then helped to point him in the right direction a little part. Reenacting his schoolyard sucker-punch was another great move from this intimidating criminal supposedly trying to make a straight of it. I’m sure he’ll fall completely back into his old ways soon, but seeing him try to keep clean is amusing.

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