Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Caprica

Caprica: Season 1, Episode 7 “The Imperfections of Memory” (C+)

Up until the final moment of this episode, it hardly seems like we’re getting anywhere. Joseph wandering around the virtual world in search of New Cap City is hopelessly frustrating since he’s so bumbling and clumsy. The notion that you can so easily be booted from the game by getting shot at a random moment is a nice catch-all that serves to strand Joseph all by himself there, but it doesn’t make too much sense. Heracles getting shot while Joseph survives is also a bit of a mismatched situation since Heracles has clearly done this many times before and should be more skilled than to catch a stray bullet. Joseph’s new guide also seems like she’ll be a whole lot more distracting than helpful, and I’m sure Tamara will have become much more detached from her former human self by the time Joseph eventually locates her. Amanda continues to annoy me, but I’m just not sure why visions of her brother are coming up now. Incorporating the phrase “this has all happened before and will all happen again” is a decent reference to “Battlestar Galactica,” but I was under the impression it wasn’t some saying but a Cylon concept (I'll admit that the timeline always confused me a little regarding the final five). A good moment in this episode, however, was Sister Clarice’s spirited sermon about putting faith in God, to which a clueless Amanda responded, “which one?” I’m becoming more impressed with Alessandra Toressani, who plays Zoe, as an actress after her performance following the simulated flight. Now, on to more exciting things – the end of the episode was fantastic, with Daniel finally putting the pieces together and walking up to the Cylon body and saying Zoe’s name. We’re getting somewhere now, and this is where things could get awesome.

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