Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 6, Episode 17 “Chromolume No. 7” (C+)

As usual with this show, some elements are strong and others just aren’t. To get the bad out of the way first, a not-so-warm welcome back to Preston. That mustache looks preposterous, and the only reason it’s necessary is for that quick quip from Lynette about the other twin not having to try it himself to see how stupid it looks. The Russian girlfriend, whose name is obviously Irina, feels like something plucked completely out of nowhere, especially since Preston’s entire trip abroad was merely a convenient plot device to deal with the affair they had to cover up before that, if I remember correctly. My biggest problem with the whole thing is that it’s yet another instance where Lynette is the only sensible person in the universe who can see the obvious, and it will obviously take a couple of episodes for others to come around to the truth. Doesn’t Lynette have enough to deal with without being the sole voice of reason here? Katherine’s new lifestyle choice was amusing due to her conversation with the gay guys next door but also in the way that it resulted in Susan accidentally telling Mike that he has a feminine side that probably helped her transition over to being a lesbian. Mike’s defense of his having cried during “The Notebook” was funny – tears of boredom. While cameos by supermodels don’t do much for me, having Gaby and Angie spend some time together is well worth it, especially for Angie’s line, “telling me you were a supermodel isn’t sharing about your past; it’s bragging.” Of course we missed Angie talking everything over with her mother, but it’s satisfying to see her so quickly reach out to Gaby and reveal that Patrick is Danny’s father! That money-grubbing tattletale phone call at the end of the episode signals bad things on the horizon, but I’m very much looking forward to finally getting some answers and seeing how the resourceful Bolen family, along with new accomplice Gaby, handles it.

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