Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What I'm Watching: Flash Forward (Spring Premiere)

Flash Forward: Season 1, Episodes 11 & 12 "Revelation Zero, Parts 1 & 2" (B+)

If ever there's been an opening sequence that makes me completely change my opinion about a series for the better, this was it. The amazing start with a visual recap of what happened during the blackout accompanied by Gil Bellows' narrating voice reminded me of the coincidence-heavy opening to the film "Magnolia" and took me back to fantastic memories of the pilot. The greatest part of this episode is the way that it takes a barely seen character and makes him absolutely central to the show's overarching story. I'm sure some wlll disagree with me, but after this episode, I'm convinced that Simon Campos is a much better role for actor Dominic Monaghan than Charlie Pace ever was. He's able to display a far wider range of emotions here, appearing first as an emotionless violent bad guy but now demonstrating that he's more than capable of lying but also demonstrating a seemingly true desire to help rather than hurt people. I'll admit that I'm more than a bit confused about the identity of Ricky Jay's character, Uncle Teddy, and how he and Simon apparently have known each other all their lives. The fact that the name he introduced himself to Lloyd under had "floss" as part of it was silly, as was his tirade about knowing that he's the villain because he exhibits traits typical of villains. Still, the reveal that Simon was the man at the stadium who was awake during the blackout was cool, though I'm a bit suspicious that a mere ring could enable him to remain conscious. I totally thought it was going to be some liquid concoction that he would have to drink. Trying to reason out how the blackout led to flash forwards has never been a strong suit of this show, and focusing more on the action makes it a lot better. Even if the future is dictating a bit too much of the present, as evidenced by Mark plowing his car through a door just because the future told him to do it, there is something cool about him piecing together Lloyd and Simon's location by the evidence he later found in the future. I'm also glad that Michael Ealy is sticking around as Marshall Vogel, and he'll surely butt heads with the newly reinstated (or so it seems) Mark. Paula Newsome, who also appeared in this week's episode of "Parenthood," as Mark's FBI therapist is another great addition, and just one of the many signs that the future looks bright for the second half of this show's first season.

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