Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 19 “Park Safety” (B+)

Everyone really does give Jerry such a hard time, but it turns out that he seems to deserve it. One of the best things about this show, which makes me love it so much, is that it’s made okay by the fact that he’s in the joke and is okay laughing at himself, as evidenced by the ending scene where he is asked whether he’d like salmon or twout. His misery sure does create a lot of comedy, however, beginning with Ron explaining how his Jewish friend taught him about schlemiels and schlimazels, and that Jerry is both. April in particular trying to restrain herself from making jokes was a delight. It made me so happy that when Jerry was telling Leslie why he made up the story about being mugged, there was a cut to Leslie doing a spot-on impression of Tom making fun of Jerry. Andy Samberg as the constantly yelling park ranger wasn’t all that funny, but like when Will Arnett guested, he makes Leslie look good, and it’s really a riot to see her so flabbergasted and off put by someone else’s behavior. Having Ann finally catch on a little bit to the fact that Andy is caring about someone else is good, but what’s even more refreshing is Andy finally actually trying to be into April and show his affection for her by getting her things like veggie muffins. Lastly, I really like that Leslie turns to Mark for serious guidance about what to do since he’s not quite in their department and, putting Ann aside, is probably the voice of reason on this show.

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