Saturday, March 13, 2010

What I’m Watching: Lost

Lost: Season 6, Episode 7 “Dr. Linus” (B)

An episode featuring Ben obviously has to be somewhat good since Michael Emerson has been the strongest performer on this show for quite a while now. Even if the flash-sideways doesn’t feature many surprise cameos, the presence of the entertaining Arzt, an encouraging Locke, and an impressionable Alex works nicely. I’m still liking the idea that everyone comes together in both worlds, no matter how. The issue I have is that the Ben in the flash-sideways was in fact on the island after being shot by Sayid. Richard said that Ben would never be the same, yet it’s as if he’s completely innocent and good here, whereas he really should have some sort of evil within him, since the impression we were working under at the time of his injury was that he was going to grow up to become the Ben Linus of the main timeline, who at this point has been solidified as a good guy and had his allegiance confirmed by Ilana. Speaking of Richard, his desire to die worried me because there’s still so much to learn about the character. I was initially angry when Jack agreed so easily to let him die, but the situation quickly turned awesome when Jack proclaimed that he didn’t think the dynamite was going to kill either of him. We still want more answers, but the fact that Jack can’t die is certainly helpful. The two groups coming together on the beach at the end of the episode is a good sign since the episodes can now more easily feature a whole slew of characters without ignoring too many people. The final revelation of the episode is very positive and affirming – bringing back something that I, and I would venture many viewers, had completely forgotten about since it hasn’t been touched in a while. Charles Widmore is still on the hunt for the island, and reincorporating him into the story is a fantastic move. Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait a few episodes to see a glimpse of him again.

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