Saturday, March 13, 2010

What I’m Watching: White Collar (Season Finale)

White Collar: Season 1, Episode 14 “Out of the Box” (B+)

This is certainly a good episode since it’s hard for this show to have an off installment, and the only slight qualm I have the dynamic of Neal and Peter apart rather than together. Obviously, we’d like to believe that Neal is inherently good and desires to abide by the law and that Peter wants to genuinely help Neal even if he has to circumvent traditional methods of justice. The fact that neither of those seems completely true here is a bit frustrating, but it doesn’t really diminish from the quality of the show. Mozzie had two great lines back-to-back, one funny and one appropriately serious. “Italians do prison just fine, ask Galileo” was a hilarious retort to Neal’s assertion that he had little to fear in terms of retribution from the Italians. “Happily ever after isn’t for guys like us” was a far graver proclamation, and what got to me most about it was Neal’s response of “it is.” Neal’s quite a unique case though since he actually possesses the charisma to stand up in front of a room of people and start a toast with the words “I’m an internationally renowned art thief, and I’m here to rob you.” Fowler going after Elizabeth was somewhat unexpected, and it feels good to see Peter really diving in and pulling out all the stops to ensure that Fowler doesn’t get away with what he’s doing. Fowler pulling a gun on Peter was an intense moment, and the plane blowing up at the end of the episode clearly signals that things are much more serious and deadly than anyone ever presumed. I’ll be looking forward to season two, which hopefully should focus a little more on Neal and Peter and a little less on the search for Kate.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Matthew Bomer

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