Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Take Three: Treme

Treme: Season 1, Episode 3 “Right Place, Wrong Time” (B+)

The escalation of the police’s contempt for the musicians in this episode is fairly severe, both interesting and at the same time immensely disturbing. In Davis’ case, it’s more humorous, and the stern admonishment he receives from Toni is entertaining, though he’s sure not to pay any attention to it. The brutal beating of Antoine, however, is another matter. The police were practically waiting for him to do something wrong, and it’s clear that tensions are high even among New Oleanders. Antoine has been doing some excessive cheating on his wife, but this is hardly a fitting punishment. Sofia making a YouTube video from boarding school was great, and it serves as a good way of keeping her on the show from afar, and also permits viewers the opportunity to hear John Goodman’s Creighton explain what YouTube is. I love how when Davis shows up to give her a piano lesson, Creighton continues to call Sofia in order to avoid talking to him. After the lesson, however, he does a fine job of giving him a harsh but veiled talking-to. The street musician paying in pennies for his $19.99 bottle of wine was extraordinarily endearing. The most powerful scene, however, was the final one where the furious and fantastic music was interrupted by the arrival of a “Katrina Tour” bus. The driver’s dumbfounded “what’s this about” was speedily responded to by a very angry “what’s this about” by the locals, signifying the great divide between those who come to visit and those actually from the treme who won’t stand for it.

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