Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 6 “Sunset” (A-)

Wow, what a foreboding first scene. The timing of the bite of that apple with the officer being bludgeoned to death was immensely well-coordinated and terrifying. Those twins are scary, and their plan to come and sit in Gus’ fast-food restaurant until he talks to them was intense. Gus giving them Hank in order to save Walt was quite shocking, and that’s going to be bad news for all of the characters. Things really blew up towards the end of the episode, with Walt calling in a favor to have Hank think that his wife is in the hospital. He’s going to be furious about that and take out his anger on Jesse, but it’s possible that the twins will get to him first. Before that, things were fascinating but hardly as deathly severe. Jesse showing maturity while his friends were freaking out about the drugs is a sign of his growth. The way Skyler says, “my unhappiness? My completely out of the clear blue sky unhappiness” is just another indicator that she deserves an Emmy nomination for her work this season. Walt’s delivery of the line “name one thing in this world that is not negotiable” was remarkably impressive as well. I’m thrilled at the addition of David Costabile, alternately known as Doug from “Flight of the Conchords” and Detective Rick Messer from “Damages,” as Walt’s new partner in his lab. I loved all of the exchanges that happened in the lab – “I’m sure you’ll want to know my qualifications” / “This is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted – why the hell are we making meth” / “I can’t imagine we strike each other as criminals” / “Well, there’s crime, and then there’s crime.” Another fantastic guest star was Larry Hankin, who I recognized immediately as the grumpy Mr. Heckles from “Friends,” as the guy who can dispose of the RV, who did a magnificent job of citing legal facts and figures to debate with Hank. Walt and Jesse came closer than ever before to getting caught this time around, and I hardly imagine this is the last time that’s going to happen.

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