Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 2 “Caballo Sin Nombre” (A-)

Wow, what a show. This episode featured an incredible opening scene that wasn’t a mysterious mass crawl through the desert but instead one involving Walt and a powerhouse performance by Bryan Cranston. Walt trying to exploit the tragedy of the plane crash was extremely interesting, and it’s clear that this guy has a lot on his mind that’s troubling him. I noticed that both Giancarlo Esposito (Gus) and Bob Odenkirk (Saul) are now in the opening credits. I’m not sure if they were there before, but having them now ensures that they’ll be present more in the future, which is a very good thing. Saul did a great job of reinserting himself back into this show after being absent for a few episodes, and he’s really such a sleaze ball. His work with Jesse’s parents was particularly low and impressive at the same time. Jesse’s first interaction with his father was very cold, and his move to buy his parents’ house was a nice opportunity for him to show that he’s trying to get back on his own two feet and make a life for himself. It’s equally satisfying to see Walter Jr. stand up for himself since we never really get to hear from him. Skyler asking her boss why he skims off the top made for a really interesting scene, and the look on her face the whole time says so much. The discussion between Hank and Marie when they left the house was amusing, and she’s so ridiculous. Walt’s anger really is growing, and him throwing the pizza on the roof proved to be hilarious. Walt does end up back in his underwear just like he started on the show, and his furious uttering of “restrain this” was extremely funny. Tuco’s uncle ringing that bell like crazy when he saw Walter White’s name shown was intense, as was those two guys showing up at Walt’s house. It was great timing having the fixer there when they two guys showed up, and even more insane that they got a call to leave the house. Who are those guys, I wonder, but more importantly, is Walt protected? Gus seems to be connected to everyone. This is going to be a great season.

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