Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I’m Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 3, Episode 12 “Chuck Versus the American Hero” (B+)

For a few episodes now, things on this show have been in a constant state of flux, but there’s nothing remotely disappointing about the uncertainty of the future of the team. I love this idea of a new team made up of people like Morgan, Casey, and Awesome, and them all talking about it is a lot of fun. The dual stakeouts were brilliant, especially Morgan posing as a Ring operative when the Ring was actually there watching! Morgan’s categorization of Awesome as being in a bubble was quite entertaining. I adore any usage of Morse Code, and therefore Sarah’s successful attempt to get Casey’s attention was terrific. I also like how Sarah hasn’t used it since basic training but Casey uses it all the time to talk to his marine baddies. Roger Cross from “24” as the Ring spy was a nice choice, and casting Mark Sheppard of “Firefly” and “Battlestar Galactica” fame as the head of the Ring is fabulous. It’s no surprise that he was actually speaking with Shaw in hologram form. The biggest and best reveal of the episode was the fact that Sarah was the one who killed Shaw’s wife as her red test. This is news that Shaw definitely doesn’t take well, and Sarah is in terrible danger now that a furious and vengeful Shaw has abducted her. I have a sneaking suspicion that Chuck may in fact commit his first kill soon, and that Shaw will be the victim. The best lie of the episode award goes to Casey: “tell her whatever you want, just don’t tell her the truth.”

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