Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 3, Episode 3 “I.F.T.” (A-)

With a violent decapitation to start us off, this is obviously going to be an intense episode. It’s very helpful in explaining who the mysterious silent men are, and how everyone comes together. Gus also really seems to be quite a powerful man, and it’s hard to tell whether he actually believes Walt to be expendable after his purpose is served or whether he’s just saying that to ease his political relations. Gus’ reaction to hearing Walt called Heisenberg was pricelessly subdued and emotionless. As I remarked regarding last week’s episode of “Justified,” I’m noticing that this show is featuring a small number of long scenes with almost no cuts, so that the moments become completely inescapable. Anna Gunn is doing a magnificent job, and I’m becoming increasingly impressed with her performance compared to previous seasons. Calling the police on Walt was crazy, and it’s incredible how it all played out. Walt delivered an incredible speech about why he got the money, and not letting Skyler interrupt him was an uncharacteristically strong move. Her having sex with another man just to do something awful to Walt was a horrible thing for her to do, but something which likely will accomplish just the effect she wanted of making him feel like she feels. I’m not so much in favor of the bleeping out inappropriate language that was present in the pilot, but the end of thee episode is strong and shocking enough that it’s okay. Jesse listening to Jane’s voicemail over and over is heartbreaking, and Hank dealing with his own demons just like the main characters makes for a more than compelling subplot.

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