Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I’m Watching: How to Make It in America (Season Finale)

How to Make It in America: Season 1, Episode 8 “Never Say Die” (B+)

Watching this episode, I had no idea that it was the season finale already! These HBO comedies move so fast, with only eight to ten episodes to reel viewers in before they go off the air indefinitely. This one, unlike “Bored to Death” and “Hung,” hasn’t even been renewed for a second go-round yet. Chances are that it will, but nothing is certain. Like those other two shows, it did improve steadily after a shaky start, and there’s now a sense that these guys are headed somewhere and that they may just live up to the premise of the title. The most important development in this final episode is Rene’s talk with Cam about how he wants him to succeed in his legitimate business, and about how he too has debts that he needs to pay off. Cam’s outburst to Rene was somewhat satisfying and somewhat terrifying due to the likely response it would prompt from Rene. Fortunately, the extent of Rene’s wrath was a humorous comment about the “tooth fairy come to knock your teeth out” and a request for some XXXL T-shirts for his buddies. Ben and Cam have now hit it big, but they’re not enough in the clear to prevent any future setbacks. Rachel is moving on with her life all of a sudden, and may even be abandoning everything in New York to pursue her own sense of what her life should be like. In the end, she wasn’t so connected to Ben or anything, but maybe she’ll be like Brenda in “Six Feet Under” and return after going off in search of herself. If this show does come back, I think I’ll be into it, though I definitely think that pairing it with “Entourage” would increase its chances of success one hundred fold.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Martha Plimpton as Edie

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