Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target (Season Finale)

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 12 “Christopher Chance” (B+)

The final installment of this show is just like all the rest: awesome, action-packed, and featuring some spectacular guest stars. It just gets better and better, starting with Timothy Omundson (“Psych,” “Jericho”) and Armand Assante as the bad guys. Even more exciting and magnificent was the casting of the enchanting Amy Acker as the previously unseen but much alluded to Katherine Walters. Her time onscreen and on the show was brief, but seeing her for only a few moments was worth it. This was the perfect way to reveal that story while still progressing forward in the present-day story, and it was fun to see both Winston and Guerrero in their younger forms, as well as the opportunity to see Lennie James as Baptiste again. It’s cool to see Guerrero and Chance fight each other, especially since Guerrero hasn’t really done much besides some less-than-active hacking. He had a great quote in this episode, delivered to Chance right before they started brawling: “it’s work – sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s not. Stop acting like a baby and get in there.” Katherine was the ideal client, introducing herself to the other Chance: “I’m Catherine Walters. I’m in danger, and I need your help.” The notion of Christopher Chance as a namesake passed down to these chameleon bodyguards is great, and having the Chance we know assume that identity when his predecessor is felled is terrific. His delivery of “My name is Christopher Chance” is spot-on. I really hope that this show gets renewed for a second season, since the first one has been great and I’ve truly enjoyed it. Having Winston’s life in jeopardy as the major cliffhanger means that this show could either segue smoothly into a second season or end just where it is, though I really do hope to see more of it.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Everyone (is that cheating?)

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