Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 20 “Benched” (B+)

It’s so great to have this family all together. Phil and Jay spar over the different way they do things while Gloria and Claire bond over rejection by their children. Both women also manage to exact sweet revenge, in the form of the cold shoulder given to Manny by Gloria and a far harsher broadcasting of her training bra status to Haley in front of her friends by her vindictive mother. Phil’s sheepishness around the rather intimidating Jay is understandable, and it’s nice to see him stand up for himself in his half-hearted attempt at being haughty. The ending shot of Manny and Jay both sipping from their mugs was entertaining, but their relationship, not to mention little Rico Rodriguez, always is. The contrasting viewpoints espoused by Cameron and Mitchell were fun, and seeing Cameron get intense about something is a hoot every time. He was particularly off in his efforts to function when he met Mitchell’s prospective future employer and introduced him as his partner in business before adding, “I’m kidding, we’re gay!” The guest spot by “Weeds” funnyman Justin Kirk was a great surprise, and now that Mitchell has gone and ruined his car and will be working for him, maybe we’ll see more of him in the future. My two favorite parts of the exchange between the three of them were when Kirk’s character questioned Mitchell about his beard and when he permitted Mitchell to tell him about why he quit figure skating. This show really is quite funny. Did anyone recognize the coach as Eric Lange, a.k.a. Radzinsky from "Lost" season five? He didn't have much to do, but it's still amusing to see familiar faces in different places.

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