Saturday, April 3, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 10 “Tanarak” (B+)

As if Winston wasn’t nervous enough on a regular basis, sending Chance deep into a place where he and Guerrero don’t have countless connections is definitely something that would elevate his stress levels. The strong casting continues with this week’s guest star who I wasn’t the least bit surprised to see here, Moon Bloodgood, recently of “Burn Notice” fame and “Daybreak” infamy. She’s nothing extra special here, but she gets the job done well enough, especially in the way that she reacts to Chance’s repeated desire to jump off cliffs. The need for naked body heat is a device that often gets unnecessarily overused, but it was well-played here with a brief discussion and then no more dwelling on it. I enjoyed how Chance started a friendly discussion with the guy escorting him to discover exactly how much self-defense he knew, and then promptly took him out after he uttered a threatening “you don’t want to find out.” Guerrero taking a cubicle for himself and then just telling an employee that he doesn’t actually work there when he asks him directly. To boil it down, I like the way these guys work. It’s an extremely fun dynamic, and it never seems to get old. We’re ten episodes into the season now, and even though chances of renewal may be slim, I’m very confident that it could keep on going for a good long time, though it certainly wouldn’t be quite as easy to keep up the impressive casting slate produced thus far.

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