Sunday, April 4, 2010

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 1, Episode 19 “Game Changer” (B+)

I really enjoy Phil’s love of technology, and having him be super-excited about the iPad coming out on his birthday makes sense. Claire falling asleep when she was supposed to get on line early in the morning to wait for it isn’t much of a surprise, and the ensuing continuous run of disappointment that Phil experiences is entertaining. His new negative outlook on the world at episode’s end was depressing but also enjoyable, and it was nice how the sight of the iPad changed his mood completely around. Mitchell trying to fight was fun, and his attempt to put the guy in the iPad line in a sleeper hold was amusing, almost as fun as Jay accidentally knocking Mitchell out with a sleeper hold. Jay always tends to think more of himself than others do, and it was funny seeing him and Gloria duke it out for the prize of sorest loser. Cameron’s delight at listening in to the soap opera of his neighbor’s conversation led to a hilariously stealthy operation conducted with the help of a less-than-amused mailman. It’s a good thing that we never saw the neighbors since it’s better to simply imagine how they must have responded to Cameron going over and talking to them. Mitchell’s desire to listen in just when it was getting interesting after their conversation about how Cameron was an angel turned into speculation about him being a potential creep was fun. Oh, the families on this show and the relations between them.

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