Sunday, April 11, 2010

What I’m Watching: Human Target

Human Target: Season 1, Episode 11 “Victoria” (B)

This has to be the most far-fetched installment of this show yet, but it still manages to be excessively entertaining in a way that makes up for the ridiculousness of its shenanigans. What makes perhaps the least sense of everything is Victoria’s attraction to Tony, and how she could go from being so sheltered all her life to suddenly willing to give everything up for a guy who wanted to take some of her blood. But that’s the nature of this show, to make its guest characters as wild and interesting as possible, and it does make the episode enjoyable. Chance’s report with the princess also helps in that area, and the sense that they’re really having fun together while on the run makes it even more enticing. I wasn’t terribly wowed by the extreme resourcefulness of the paparazzi or convinced by the attitude of the royal guard, but someone who did make a great impression, in only a few great scenes, was Erick Avari as Gerard. Avari is a quintessential “hey, it’s that guy” actor, and though I’ve definitely seen him many times before, the only role I can specifically remember is that of the elder Dr. Suresh in selected episodes of “Heroes.” He does a terrific job here, and exemplifies dedication and honor before taking a bullet for the woman he has given his life to protect. Next week is the show’s season finale, and I really hope that it comes back for a second season. I’m extremely excited due to its title: “Christopher Chance.” Maybe we’ll finally learn some more about the mystery man himself.

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