Sunday, April 11, 2010

What I’m Watching: Ugly Betty (The Penultimate Episode)

Ugly Betty: Season 4, Episode 19 “The Past Presents the Future” (B+)

It’s hard to believe that next week marks the final installment ever of this show. But this episode certainly helps, as it gives a few characters some wonderful closure and sets others up for great things. Daniel realizing that Betty means a lot to him without the two of them necessarily making out is a good way to underline the fact that their relationship has meant something, and it’s good to see Daniel realizing that his girlfriend makes him dumber since he’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the box to begin with. Justin asking Austin to dance in front of everyone was a wonderful way of having Justin effectively come out to his family (even though they knew already), and it’s great to see him happy. Betty being sought out for a job that she would love to do is fantastic, and it’s a relief that she has decided to take it and that she’s going to do something excellent with her life. Since the show is definitely ending next week, sending her off to London is fine since that’s as good a resting place for her as any. It was nice to see Lauren Velez as Ignacio’s Elena again, even if for just a moment. Bryan Batt (Sal from "Mad Men") on this show is perfect, especially in his scenes with Amanda. I don’t know about him being her father, but that could be fine too, especially since Marc is the only one who has put it together. It seemed obvious that Tyler’s downward spiral would result in someone getting hurt, but I never expected it to be Wilhelmina. I’m not sure if that’s needed, but it will likely be important to how everything works out. I’m looking forward in a bittersweet way to next week’s final episode, since this show has really always been great and it’s departing the airwaves after only a few seasons. I know it’s more than many get, but I’m definitely not Betty-d out.

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