Sunday, May 30, 2010

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife (Season Finale)

The Good Wife: Season 1, Episode 23 “Running” (B+)

After a lackluster start that didn’t quite entice me, I’m happy to say that this is one show where sticking around and getting to know the characters really made all the difference. For me this season ended on a very high note, ready to launch into a season two where Alicia is once again the good wife standing by her husband as her runs for the office he once held or the bad wife who abandons her husband to let him fend for himself in the election by choosing to have an affair with Will (or at least to contribute to the drama and rumors). That final scene was absolutely terrific, and makes me eagerly await the premiere of season two in the fall. Seeing Will and Alicia laugh and have a ball together was fun, and I liked Alicia’s response to the situation: “I get the romance, show me the plan.” I love all of the other relationships on this show, like Kurt showing Diane the crime scene because he likes her but he’s going to testify for the opposite side, resulting in her butchering him during the deposition. Kalinda’s realization that her cop contact may be corrupt was pretty intense, and I very much enjoyed her flirtation and dynamic with the attorney played by Jill Flint from “Royal Pains.” It was great to see Amy Acker guest-starring, even if she didn’t have much of anything to actually do on screen. Peter’s mother managing to intimidate Eli is quite a feat, and she did a real number on the priest too. I really liked Eli’s statement to Alicia as her phone is ringing: “you’re going to make my life harder.” While I still can’t pinpoint the moment that made me start liking this show, in retrospect it’s been a strong first season and I’m looking forward to season two.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Josh Charles

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