Monday, May 31, 2010

What I’m Watching: Parenthood (Season Finale)

Parenthood: Season 1, Episode 13 “Lost and Found” (B+)

The concluding episode of this first half-season works very well as a finale because it doesn’t feel like things are racing to a halt, and instead everything proceeds along as it should, resulting in a satisfying ending that still allows for new avenues to be explored in future seasons. The most surprising act of courage comes from Crosby, who has matured considerably since the start of the show, as he realizes that he has to be there while Jabar is growing up and move to New York with Jasmine. It was also good to see Crosby get serious and yell at his dad for his lack of action with respect to Camille after they both got drunk together and bonded. Julia chiming in after Zeek refused Timm’s help was another good moment, and I enjoyed catching Joel crack a smile when Zeek started on Timm and his name having too many of a certain letter. Sarah’s efforts to help keep her family together by trying to teach Drew how to play baseball were amusing, and Lauren Graham also managed to achieve dramatic excellence when she yelled at Amber for being selfish and then had to go look for her with Adam. Their search was both powerful and highly enjoyable, especially when Adam went back to close the door on Amber’s ex-boyfriend and his houseguest. Hattie dying her hair black was an interesting move, and I loved the reaction from her parents and from Max – “she looks like a vampire from Twilight!” The reunion and reconciliation between Amber and Hattie with their parents looking on was very moving, and it was great way to leave things. Zeek declaring that he was going to start singing was another high point, as was Crosby’s response to Jabar asking whether they had bagels in New York. It’s been a blast getting to know the Braverman family, and I look forward to seeing more of them in the fall.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Peter Krause & Lauren Graham

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